
Ifyou'reworriedthatsomeonemaybeconsideringhurtingthemselves,itcanbedifficulttoknowhowtohelp.Inadditiontofindingthemhelpthrough ...,However,youmayneedtobepersistentbeforetheyarewillingtotalk.Talkingaboutsuicideorsuicidalthoughtswillnotpushsomeonetokillthemselves.It ...,Thefiveactionstepsforcommunicatingwithsomeonewhomaybesuicidalaresupportedbyevidenceinthefieldofsuicideprevention.Ask.How–Asking...

5 Dos and Don'ts

If you're worried that someone may be considering hurting themselves, it can be difficult to know how to help. In addition to finding them help through ...

How to Help Someone You Know Who is Suicidal

However, you may need to be persistent before they are willing to talk. Talking about suicide or suicidal thoughts will not push someone to kill themselves. It ...

How The 5 Steps Can Help Someone Who is Suicidal

The five action steps for communicating with someone who may be suicidal are supported by evidence in the field of suicide prevention. Ask. How – Asking the ...


Your friend or loved one may need to stay in the hospital until the suicidal crisis passes. Urge the person to contact a suicide hotline. In the U.S., call or ...

How to help someone with suicidal feelings

If you're supporting someone who is feeling suicidal, find ideas you can try to help them, as well as what you can do in an emergency.

Reach out and listen

2019年4月20日 — What can you do when you fear someone you know may be considering suicide? It can feel daunting, but suicide prevention experts say we all ...

Suicidal thoughts

If someone is in crisis, you can help them to get support from mental health or emergency services. Supporting someone with suicidal thoughts might have an ...

Supporting someone with suicidal thoughts

But, if you feel you can, offer support and encourage them to talk about how they're feeling. Talking to someone about suicide. Richard shares his thoughts on ...

How to help when someone is suicidal

2023年10月30日 — How to check in with someone about thoughts of suicide and what you can do to support them.